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Writer's pictureJANIE FLORES


George Floyd

Notice: This is a post for people who profess to be born again, bible believing, active Christians. It is written from a biblical perspective, which is the foundation of any belief we profess or adhere to as Christians. If you disagree with anything I write please share the bible verses and their context to support your argument.

This has been a horrifying week in the United States of America. Over 100,000 people have died due to COVID-19 and we are once again embroiled in the tragedy of a black man being killed by a white police officer. Christians, it behooves us to prayerfully search the Word of God to make sure we align with what His Word commands, and if we are not living up to his perfect example then we must seek his help to bring transformation in those areas where we are failing.

Let me just remind you, born again, bible believing, tithing, fasting, praying Christian of any color, race, nationality, social or economic status or denomination, that EACH of us, each HUMAN being, is created in the image and likeness of God. Repeat after me, God created us in his image. If you do not believe this then you are a racist.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and so is every person who is brown, black, red, yellow, white or any other color on the spectrum of gorgeous skin tones that God created, all in his image. Please do not say that you “don’t see race” when it was God himself who deliberately made us all so beautifully different. You must align your vision to see the kaleidoscope of races through his wondrous and glorious purpose for humanity. If you do not believe this then you are a racist.

God has a purpose and a plan to prosper you, to give you hope and a future, and he also has the very same purpose and plan for every brown, black, red, yellow or white person. If you do not believe this then you are a racist.

You are part of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, set apart for God; and so is every brown, black, red, yellow or white person that has received Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

If you do not believe this then you are a racist.

God purposely, intentionally and strategically created your color, race, nationality and gender for this place and time, so that you could serve your generation; and he also created every brown, black, red, yellow or white person for that very same reason. If you do not believe this then you are a racist.

The human race was created from one man. We share the same father, Adam, and the same mother, Eve. If you do not see your brown, black, red, yellow or white neighbor as your equal then you are not aligned with God’s word. When you feel, think or assume that God favors you over others and you are privileged, you are not aligned with God’s word. God has repeatedly made it clear in his Word that he does not have favorites, that he is no respecter of persons and that he does not make distinction based on social, economic, class, nationalism or race as humans do. He looks at the heart. If you do not believe this then you are a racist.

The greatest commandment that Jesus gave us was to “love your neighbor as yourself.” This is an action that does not come naturally to us, that is why he made it a command. It is not an optional part of our Christianity; it is the essence of Christianity. We must be intentional about incorporating and making this command an integral part of our Christian walk. That means that even if the other person does not look like you, speak like you, dress like you, eat the same food as you, live in the same neighborhood or go to church like you, you must still love them. And in order to love them you must intentionally seek them out, fellowship with them, break bread with them, welcome them into your home, visit their homes and unequivocally see their humanity as equal to your own. You are equals in the sight of God. If you do not do this then you are a racist.

When your neighbor is disrespected, discriminated against, injured or incarcerated because of the color of their skin, their ethnicity or nationality, you are to speak up and care for them, just as the Good Samaritan cared for a stranger that was hurt. If you remain silent even the stones will cry out, and the unbeliever will rise up and speak against you on the Day of Judgment. If you do not do this then you are a racist.

When you hear people groups being maligned and labeled as rapists, criminals or bad men because of the color of their skin, their ethnicity or immigrant status, your voice of righteous indignation must be lifted up regardless of who said it; and if the person spouting such slander purports to be a Believer than your correction and judgment must be just as swift as when Jesus condemned the Pharisees, “woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites…”. Jesus did not mince his words and you can’t either. If you do not do this then you are a racist.

When you see the killing of a person by a police officer because of the color of their skin, like our brother George Floyd of Minnesota, you must not remain silent. At this very moment his blood is crying out from the ground for justice. You must amplify his voice with your own. The bible explicitly calls us to seek justice and correct oppression. The word “justice” is mentioned over 2,900 times in the bible. “Justice” is mentioned twice as many times as “love” or “heaven”! God clearly prioritizes justice and he promises blessings when we act justly and do what is right in his eyes. Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.” If you do not do this then you are a racist.

Racism is anathema to God. He abhors racism because he created every human being in his perfect image. You become an abomination to God when you arrogantly despise his creation and he has informed us that it will not go unpunished. If you are racist, go before his throne of grace, repent and ask him to transform your heart. Christian, choose you this day who you will serve. Rise up and take your place in God’s loving plan for redemption of all humanity and not just a privileged few. God has already given us a preview of the glorious gathering awaiting us at his throne where we are part of the multitudes from every nation, tribe, color and language. I hope to see you there.

In His Service,

Janie Flores

Index: List of Bible verses available upon request



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